Here is the route that chewed us up and spit us out:
So this one was a little rough. Once we hit mile 14 or 15, it seemed as though our bodies were working against us. We both wanted to finish that damn run, but your body just screams at you to stop. I imagine if my body could talk, at mile 14 last night, it would have said "please, stop the madness!" (Or maybe something a little more vulgar, but this is a family show.) We both decided to stop and walk at about 16.5 or so, but we kicked it into high gear for about the last quarter mile just to really seal the deal. After pushing your joints and muscles far beyond their normal limit, you hurt in ways that you never really knew you could hurt. And the funny thing is that although the act of running is what is causing every inch of your lower half to ache, that same act is the quickest way out, because the more you walk, the longer you'll be out there.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Just trying to spread the word that hey, training for a marathon is anything but easy. But despite all the hard work and physical discomfort, I still want to get out there once a week and do a really long run.
Top 5 fantasies during the last 5 miles:
1. ICE CREAM! Jamie and I almost always reward ourselves with the world's most incredible edible, however, as sad as it is, we were both so very wiped out last night that we skipped it.
2. Food - something salty and hardy, last night I was thinking about soup
3. Beer
4. Shower - hot, and looooooooooong
5. Aspirin and the dreamy mattress that fills up half of my apartment. (Maybe you think this counts as two seperate fantasies, but you're wrong)
Oh, you may have noticed I changed things up in the design department of this here blog. The flames really spoke to my soul. Everyone knows that flames are the surest way to amp up the thrill factor.
I'm raw, hustla, getcho bakin' soda.
I love you but this new font is very hard to read. And I wanna know what's up.